Thursday, 24 February 2011


Could you be a hermit? do you need all the stuff you have? I am considering writing a list of all the things I own and then high lighting them into what is needed and what is wanted, what could I not get rid of and why? I love my books and cant bear throwing them away or even passing them on to others, why am I so attached?  Will I get rid of any of the stuff.... I doubt it but it will put it all in to perspective.

When I moved into my flat in Lichfield I had a tv, we had always lived in rented accomation that was furnished, so I have lots of stuff, this year I bought a new sofa which was a first the rest have always been second hand or free off freecycle, but now the children are older and not spilling juice everywhere I thought it would be good.

anyway  time to cook... I will approach the ammount of money I spend on shopping another day...

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