Saturday, 26 February 2011

Plan of Action for the week commencing 28th Feb.

Ok so things I need to get done, I need to start writing the list of all the books I own, now I live with my three children who also own books but this is just about me so just my books, Im going to write them down in the order they are in which is random but I will write which room they are in which will be either my living room or my bedroom because I think it will be intersting to see whats where.

Im also going to not buy any more food than we need, so this week will be about emptying the freezers, I have two, when I wasnt well a couple of years ago I filled them so I would nt have to go shopping as often and only need to get things from the local shop or better still send one of the children. ;-)  I also have a pantry area with basics like pasta, rice and beans and other tinned items like pineapple (yum)  so this will be used aswell, so sorry to the children who will be having strange comination dinners this week.

Read the Hunter/ Gatherer books.

Look into going to Cannock Chase or similar for the day to build a shelter and light a fire and maybe forage a little, but I dont think its the right time of year for that.. more research needed.

quite alot to get on with and I am also going to see two Uni's this week and have photos taken of the back of my eyes .. not looking forward to that I can tell you...

more soon !

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